We come from all over Waukesha County. What unites us is the love of God and the desire to experience that love in intentional community. We celebrate this love as we worship together. We express this love in our care for one another in good times and bad. We expand our understanding of this love as we reach out to serve others in need.
We do:
Always have room for more!
Welcome everyone to share in the Lord's Supper
Laugh a lot
Love people of all ages
Care about the community, environment and world.
We don't:
Care what you wear to worship
Have assigned seats
Believe anyone is outside of God’s love
Worship with Us!
Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Christmas Eve Service, 6:00 p.m. Dec. 24
Please join us for worship. All are welcome.
Faith Springs is a small Christian community with a supportive and loving dynamic and a heart for serving in Waukesha County and beyond.
Want to know more?
Follow Us on Facebook, where the service will be live-streamed each Sunday.
for the latest on worship, mission, and fellowship.

N13W28771 Silvernail Rd.
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Phone: 262-646-3256
email: faithspringsPCUSA@gmail.com